Viva la Internet

Our apartment’s wi-fi has been down for a few days now. (The Internet has a large presence in Florence–with lots of Internet connection stores and free wi-fi advertised in cafes, but it can nonetheless be unreliable and not at the quality I’m used to in the US).

So, as you’ll see, I’ve accumulated several blog posts since my journey to Italy began. Each post indicates the date it was actually written, so start from the last post (“Is it 6:00 yet?”) to the most recent if you’re looking to read the whole chronological story of my time here so far. You can access these via the side panel, or scrolling through Older/Newer posts as the bottom of each post.

I know that there are some family and friends who have been waiting to read these and see the pictures, so sorry about the delay! Hope you enjoy 🙂